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Taking a stab at armor

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So here's the first go at armorsmithing. I read somewhere (maybe here) that leather was the medieval plastic. This really proved true when I molded the neck guard/upper lame. I've found that resin bocci balls work really well for molding round things. I bought the bocci ball set at Target for fifteen bucks earlier in the Summer.

I also learned the value of painters' plastic sheeting for cutting out patterns. You can pick it up very cheap at Home Depot, mark your pattern with a sharpie, cut and tape and mold and cut and tape and tweak and cut and tape until it's just right... then lay it over your leather and make the cuts that count! Fantastic stuff. I finished my pauldron (the shoulder piece here) and my girl's bodice/pauldron combo and I still have 95% of the roll left. I'll have pictures of the bodice/pauldron soon. She wants to get all made up for the pictures :)

Anyway, here's the pauldron:


Thanks to Photoshop for taking me out of my back yard and putting me in front of an ancient Irish fortress! And thanks to the awesome leathersmiths on this site for providing such impeccable guidance and inspiration!


Edited by Schno

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No? Nothing? Hmmm... maybe some pictures sans dirty, tattooed hippy will help.


I only had two evenings in which to complete this, so some of the edges are a bit rough. This was an effort at costuming more than armorcrafting, but I learned some valuable lessons that I'll apply when I start making real armor.

And now, an unveiled emoti-cry for feedback: :whatdoyouthink:




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DUDE THIS IS NICE!!! I love the look of this kinda stuff. You did really well. Now you have my head going places with ideas. And not cause you were all topless and stuff but for your artwork...lol This is really really a brave and accomplished piece and I would love to do some armor on my vest or a jacket so when i ride. Maybe even change the look of my bike now or add to it. hmmm :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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love it! where is her peice?

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Making anything articulated is really tricky, Schno, so I reckon you deserve plenty of bonus points for that design. The colour is great and the tooling looks interesting - what tool did you use? - ...and how did you make the articulations work as those look a lot like hammered tubular rivets?

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Wow that is looking awsome! Love the colouring and the upright top piece really sets it off :notworthy::clapping:

I agee with Ray, the tooling looks very interesting.

Hope I get a stab at sumting like this one days, looks like alot of fun.

well done!


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