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I am looking for big conchos. I mean real big. I've seen many on the net adorning armors, but even tough I searched and searched, I can never find any! Can anyone tell me where I can get metal accent without going to Tandy's? Thanks

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You don't say how large is large, 3"-4" is about the largest that I have run across. Conchos.com has some berry conchos that are three inch, also try buffalobrothers.net they have three inch conchos. circlekb.com has 3 and 4" conchos Timcocorporation.com has some in the 3" size Lazy Star Horse Company has some 4 1/2" crystal conchos but may not be appropriate for armor.

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WOW! Thanks, and yes, 3-4 inches concho is what I am looking for. and if anyone knows where to get some that are even bigger than that I would appreciate.


Try Harold Arnett at www.texhas.com . He usually has a few large conchos.

God Bless.


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