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Boy, when you guys say that you have to use it or you use it, it is the truth. I have been away from this for a couple of months and my carving, tooling and stamping have really suffered. However, the cover is still usable so I thought I would post it. Originally it was made with chrome tanned leather but was too flimsy, so I used that for the insert with a veggie tanned cover. This was my first attempt at double lacing and I really need to figure out how to finish off better. Also my first try with fiebings anique paste.




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That's still heaps and bounds over what I could carve. Good work! Llve the slight bit of texture tou added around the carving too. Love the touch the lacing adds.

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Thanks, Sugar Lady.

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I'd like to see it opened :) I have a Kobo Touch, they are great aren't they?

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I'd like to see it opened :) I have a Kobo Touch, they are great aren't they?

Yes, they are. I had a Sony ereader before but it bit the dust. This is really light and compact, if I choose to use it without the case. If I had to do the cover again, I would have been more careful about sizing the insert and the cover . As it is, the insert is a tad short in some areas. But since I contact cemented the layers together, it should hold up. So in all its imperfect glory, here is a pic of the inside.


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That looks great! When I did my cover I went for a notepad style - 'hinged' at the top - so I could set it on the table and read, but I quite like the thought of doing a 'book' style cover.

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