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Hillbilly tim

Cobra Class 4 Presser Feet

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Hello all!, i've got a small problem, I just got my new class 4 a couple weeks ago. When it came I didnt get all the correct presser feet in the package. As seen in the accompaning photo I recieved 2 that were esentially alike and did not get a single left foot nor a open toe center foot. Kinda disappointed there. Steves recommendation was just to cut one of the dual feet to make a single I need, no problem at all. I only need to know if there is any signifigance in the two feet as there are slightly different. One has a wider center area compared to the other. Is one of these specific to another function, plate, feed dog or center toe that would cause problems if I chose incorrectly which one to cut off? Yes this was one of the white ones that steve had a few of.


thank you for taking the time to look.

Bro Tim

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Tim, Steve said to cut them? I think that's odd. I didn't get my flatbed attachment or one chain but I called and they shipped them out that day. I'd ask for the correct foot to be sent because I wouldn't know how to start cutting them. The individual feet all serve a purpose and I don't know how they will sew to that purpose if you cut them. Sorry this happened on your 'twin' machine. Cheryl

Just looked closer and the are essentially the same, but not exact. I'd talk to Steve again.

Edited by DoubleC

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