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Having just completed a thin ID wallet using carbon fiber material I can tell you one thing. Until you seal that stuff in some way, the weave is pretty delicate and pulls apart pretty easily. Tape the back. And when you do, don't try to adjust anything.

I made the below wallet with a 2-3oz piece of leather covered in carbon fiber then edged with goat.

Initially I thought I would assemble the whole thing then seal the carbon fiber in some way. Found out it is much easier to cut the peice to size, then spray a clear laquer over the top to keep it flixible but also protect and seal it, then asseble the whole thing.

Just figured I would share with you all, I am sure some one has much more experience with this material than I do.




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Thank you. Overall it is kind of a cool material with lots of possabilities. Once you get a light layer of enamal or acrylic on it you can shape and form it kind of like kydex. It would probably work really well for a different look and style for holsters or auto or motorcycle accessories.

May have to experiment with it more...

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