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Hello all new here. Been tooling leather for nearly 10 years as a hobby. Still not happy with some of my skills but I think I am getting half decent at my tool work. Hope to learn lots of you all.

Heres my particulars. I'm a 45 yr old military firefighter living in Ontario Canada. I ride motorcycles, teach leadership and tool leather in my off time.

Thanks for the site and stay safe.


Hello Mike

Welcome to Leatherworker.net, imo the best leather site on the internet today. I have been tooling for 30 + years and thought I knew a thing or two about leather until I found this site. I recently retired and opened a small leather shop in my home, not trying th corner the market just make a little pocket money. Anyway, again welcome, look forward to seeing some of your stuff. I would encourage you to become a contributing member, I have saved so much from tips from this site it is well worth it. Enjoy.


Welcome to the forum Mike!

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Mike Welcome to the forum here you will find very helpful experts that are willing to share their knowledge they have learned through trail and error making it very valuable for people like me that still have a lot to learn in this trade. With ten years under your belt and teaching skill you would make a good advisor as to answering some questions that new leatherworkers might have so if you know the answer to some of our questions please don't hesitate on helping us we will greatly appreciate your help. Thanks for your service as a firefighter tough job. God bless!


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Thanks for the warm welcome all. I do hope I can help out.

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Welcome Mike.

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