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How do you get the marbleing effect like cyberthrasher has achieved on some of his work. I guess I am directing the question to cyberthrasher but also anyone else who has the knowledge... Many thanks....wearthefoxhat

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How do you get the marbleing effect like cyberthrasher has achieved on some of his work. I guess I am directing the question to cyberthrasher but also anyone else who has the knowledge... Many thanks....wearthefoxhat

I do a mottled/marble effect with a technique similar to sponge painting using rags. I dye the piece trying to get it close to being even, but don't sweat it if you have a few darker spots. Then blot spots here and there with a rag wet with dye. In the other hand I have a dry rag and quickly blend it a little around the edges. There's no substitute for just playing around and seeing what you can come up with.


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How do you get the marbleing effect like cyberthrasher has achieved on some of his work. I guess I am directing the question to cyberthrasher but also anyone else who has the knowledge... Many thanks....wearthefoxhat

Which piece are you looking at?? :)

It's varied a bit here and there depending on the desired result and the colors being used. Chuck's advice is good, but then there are a lot of times where I do it in reverse as well - putting on my "blotchy" dark spots and then overcoating it with a lighter color.

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I was refering to the card wallets in particular. I love that effect and will have a crack at it…

As you say I need to experiment and I will. I was just curious to know if there was a trade secret you guys used to get that cool look..

Thanks for your help..


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I was refering to the card wallets in particular. I love that effect and will have a crack at it…

The card wallets are a little different. Well, a couple of those are as described above (if we're referring to the one's on my Etsy store), but others are done with the base color and then a completely different dark color "dry brushed" on with a sponge - such as red with black smeared around.

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Thanks mate.... they look cool.... love your work by the way.

Edited by wearthefoxhat

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Thanks mate.... they look cool.... love your work by the way.


You actually reminded me that I need to get a new red one posted since somebody bought my last one ;)

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Always good to be selling stuff… When my wife reminds me of how much I have spent getting set up again to do leather (after a 30 year break) I was surprised at how much I have spent already lol…

Your lacing work looks incredible by the way… IMO your laced wallets should be 2 or more times what you sell them for.

Righto off to work…yay..

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Your lacing work looks incredible by the way… IMO your laced wallets should be 2 or more times what you sell them for.

It becomes a market issue once you get too high up there. Also, those ones were prototypes, so they're slightly discounted. If they were full wallet's they'd be up there, but the market for card wallets dictates a lower price. I am going to make some stitched versions of my "Baby Biker" and then bump the price of the laced ones up a hair.

When I first started building up my supply store, I spent quite a bit. But, it didn't take too long for me to say that I won't buy anything with personal money. If I buy supplies or tools, it ALWAYS comes from the proceeds of sales. Helps me keep in line with how much I'm actually making vs. spending.

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I was wondering the same about getting that effect and I see that some of you can get clean lines. Do most people use the blocking technique? I have a friend that just finished a new album and I wanted to do his artwork on leather and frame it for him. Any pointers on getting this effect? I hope it pretains to the OP.


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I was wondering the same about getting that effect and I see that some of you can get clean lines. Do most people use the blocking technique? I have a friend that just finished a new album and I wanted to do his artwork on leather and frame it for him. Any pointers on getting this effect? I hope it pretains to the OP.

yeah, that would be similar. It's just green with darker green.

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