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Pattern For Buttstock Ammo Holder Anyone?

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I'm looking into making a Buttstock Ammo Holder for my Lever Action Rifle.

I won't reproduce these in quantity, but just need a pattern for a single use / 1 time deal.

Can someone help me out?


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Since rifle stocks can be quite different from model to model, it may be simpler to just make your own pattern.

Take a piece of card stock (manila folder works) and wrap it around the stock at the point you would want the cartridge holder to be. Mark where the pieces meet and mark the sides for width. Pull it off and you should have a pattern pretty close to what you need. Allow a little extra for the thickness of the leather you're using.

There are any number of patterns around here for the cartridge loops

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I've almost finished my first butt-stock wrap, I'm incorporating a wraparound sling into the design, and due to the tooling that was requested I'm going to have to throw the loops on diagonally. Should be a cool design. I'm with Tex, I used a manila folder to make the initial patterns, if you want to keep them, you can throw clear packing tape on it and it'll keep for a a good long while, make them snug as any tooling will stretch it enough to make it snug but not too tight.. I suggest keeping patterns as you just never know when your work will catch someones eye and they don't take up any space.

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