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I made this hunting bad from a thick buffalo leather with a thinner black buffalo leather for the pockets. The pocket closures are made from elk antler and I used elastic cord for keeping the pockets closed. The hoof prints are from the same black buffalo and the elastic cord's knots are hidden behind the hoof prints. The art work of the deer scene I burned onto the front. Hope you enjoy. Would love to find a site where people are interested in having items like these made. I like to get together with people and design what they want and add my ideas to it, to come up with a real unique design. It wouldn't be the first, but people just stopped buying due to the economy. Anyway, enjoy your craft.




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You should visit muzzleloadingforum.com and the forums on cascity.com. On cascity.com there is the leathershop forum a great place to show what you do and they also have a classified section for posting what you want to sell (comercial postings are ok).



Edited by camano ridge

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