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My first alligator hide. I haven't started working with it yet.

Looks pretty rough. Do they all come like this? How should I clean it up?

What can I do with the rest of the hide, tail etc?



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Ha! Is it that bad? ;)

My dad got it for me off eBay I think.

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I've gotten several gator and caiman from ebay at decent prices.

All have had a back that looked much like that. I have lined everything I've made. One was so fuzzy I singed it with a lighter as I thought the fuzzies might weaken the glue bond.

I like the unusual textures and patterns of the tail, legs, sides and prefer hornback to belly myself. I've made cuffs, simple hair barrettes with leaving it somewhat irregular in shape and acrylic paints. There are some mica pigments that can be added to clear acrylic base that are very cool on exotic leathers. Some are highlights that show up more on dark areas or 2 tone with one color on light areas. another on the dark. The acrylics can be thinned with water to flow well. On the darker pieces, think of say gold thinned enough to flow into the crevices. Or the reverse, a gold tipping on the dark background. Dark red is cool that way also.

I'll see if I can get a good pic of a hair clip I made with a scrap that was almost a butterfly shape. Was a light brown scrap, dyed it green and used 3 shades of acrylic, an emerald, blue and blue/green shift. Has an almost jewel like effect. One friend of mine has threatened to steal it. Belt buckles, cuffs, bracelets, dog collars--I've made prong collar covers out of caiman tail and other exotics.

A guitar strap out of another section of tail, this was hornback. Buyer was ecstatic.

Have fun with it, looks like some nice sections there. If you don't want to mess with the scraps I'll bet you could sell it here. I'm flush with gator now or I'd offer to take you up on it.

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Well I decided to just dive in and get on with it. I cut it up and made a card wallet with it.

The lining is French split goatskin from Talas and I used Lin Cable linen thread. 9 stitches per inch.




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Saddle stitch. I used a Vergez Blanchard 9 tpi pricking iron and John James needles.

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Nice, you have a great hand stitch. I wish I could come close to that. maybe one day...

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Thanks, I feel like I'm just starting to get it. I believe the Vergez-Blanchard pricking irons helped a lot.

  • 2 months later...
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Got a little more out of this gator. Magnetic money clip.



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Money is magnetic? Mine always seems to be polar opposites. :) It is always trying to leave my wallet.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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