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Red Cent

Ruger Bearcat

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I have spent a lot of time looking for a Ruger Bearcat "blue gun". Seems as though there ain't any. In a couple of spots they list the Bearcat/SP101 together showing the SP.

I have a request for a double gun rig for the Bearcat. Other than have the customer ship a gun, I don't know of an answer.

I found that the SP's cylinder width is 1 3/8". Does anyone know the dimensions of the Bearcat?

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Red, A couple of months ago Duncans made a run of Bearcats. Check with Jason at Duncans to see if they still have some. If not PM me I have one and would be willing to loan it out to you.

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Red, if you are refering to the Ruger Bearcat .22 single action, the SP101 is not going to work. I will post a picture of both in little bit. The cylinder on the SP101 is bigger then the Bearcat (I will mic it out for you). The frame configuration and barrel configuration is different. The Bearcat has the ejector rod to the side of the barrel.


Edited by camano ridge

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I believe I checked with Duncan's a few months ago. The customer shipped one of the Bearcat's to me and, after I finished, I sent it to a gunsmith. The SP101's cylinder width is 1 3/8"s.

I sent Duncan's a message and hope they respond.

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Red, the cylinder on the Duncans Bearcat that I have is 1.24" call it 1 1/4" so about 1/8" difference, that will affect the height as well as width. As you can see from the picture above there is considerable difference in size and shape of frame.

I usually just call Duncans 1-989-894-6691 and talk to Jason. I find I get answers much faster. Jason supervises the dummy guns and knows exactly what they have in stock what will be sent to the factory for casting and he has a running list of what people are interested in having cast. As soon as they have enough interest in a particular item they cast it. I do not know how many of the Bearcats they cast, I just know I was able to get on e I think it was in February or begining of March.

Edited by camano ridge

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I will give him a call tomorrow.

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