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Just Can't Figure It Out

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Hi all ,

I'm trying to figure out how I can get a nice straight line when I use a beveling stamps.

Is there a different tool I should be using besides a stamp

On this picture vv see how on the edge it's a very nice straight beveled down edge . How do I do that ?

? post-46653-0-65629000-1399866019_thumb.j

Here's my attempt using a swivel knife and a beveling stamp


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The first word, you of course anticipated, . . . that is simply: practice. Practice makes perfect, . . . always has, . . . always will.

But to add to that, . . . try using a modeling spoon, . . . a butter knife, . . . the edge of a screwdriver, . . . after the stamping is done, . . . crushing down the fibers of the leather, . . . another tool can be dragged along the line, . . . smoothing out the minor inconsistencies.

At least that is what I do, . . . and it gives me very satisfactory results.

May God bless,


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It looks to me like you might need to cut a bit deeper with your swivel knife. For me, to make a nice straight, even beveled line I need to follow the middle of the swivel knife's cut. Assuming your swivel knife cut is straight itself, you should be able to ride your beveller right down the cut. Make overlapping strikes with your longest beveller right along that cut line. Try to avoid letting your beveller jump. Hold it firmly between your fingers and thumb, straight up and down and strike a solid, authoritative blow with your maul/mallet. Try to avoid letting your maul/mallet bounce, causing a spurious impression.

And, I won't repeat what Dwight said. You know it's true. :)



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