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so I had knife sitting around so I figured hey! why not make a new sheath for practice? a lot of trial and error and a few design flaws but in the end not bad. the edges were originally going to be laced but ended up it was to thick to get the feel I was looking for so I stitched it using some red thread I had to compliment the knife handle ( or that was the idea anyway) the design on the front was coloured and then realized it just didn't work so I dyed over it lol. always open for critiques and comments.





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Can't tell for sure did you add a welt? The stitch holes look pretty large but you may have punched them before you decided to stitch. other then that it looks like a good basic sheath.

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Nice looking for the first one. Yup it would have looked better with a differ color, but you could do some painting and still make it jump, the red is a good start I like that good job. I do have one question did you punch your holes from the back/or what makes the holes in picture #1 look funny, at least to me.

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I like the red stitching. Add a welt next time if not one we cant see. And looks like the holes are sized for the laces. Most non leather workers wont care.

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Ill have to add a few more angles, there is a welt actually..about 3/4 inch lol the original tooling was a full colour dye but I found it was just to bold and colorful so I dyed over it. The holes were drilled out from the front using a drill..kinda rough but it worked better than the dremel.

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