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Steel Rail For Satchel, Where To Get It?

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I need steel reinforcement rails fro satchels. The type that goes under the lid where the handle is fastened. My regular supplier is out of stock and want be selling them anymore. I have tried Ohio Travel, Tandy and Abbye, but they dont seem to stock them. Anyone know where I can find these rails or what the correct name for it is. Searching for "steel rail" on google isn't very usefull.



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Look for flat bars on mcmaster.com. You'll probably find something you can use there...along with a lot of other stuff you don't know you need yet. :)

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Thanks TXAG, but they dont let me search there site. Even when i make a profile to log on. This seems to be a regular hardware store who sells metal bars by the foot, but I know that these bars exist precut and with holes in them I just cant find out who sells them.

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