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Does anyone know where you can get extra long rivets and swarvoski element rivets also for extra thick leather. Most places make the 10mm size ones but there just not long enough to reach through thick leather. Thanks, Diane



I don't think you'll find them but you can make them longer by cutting the cap off a chicago screw, use JB weld and cement the post inside the threaded tube which will give you a fair bit of adjustment.



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Will the original rivet cap work with the chicago screw or will i have to use something else for the end of it?


I don't use the swarvoski's but if the diameter of your rivet posts are 5/32"or smaller they will slip into the hole on the chicago screw.

You won't use the cap, instead you will use the mating (male) threaded part of the chicago screw.

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Okay, thanks alot do you happen to have any pictures of an example of what your describing. I understand everything your saying but a picture would do even better on how i should place everything.


There's not much to it, cut the head off a chicago screw and cement your swarvoski into the hole where you cut the head off.

If you want to send me the thickness of leather you're working with along with a swarvoski rivet and a chicago screw I'll make one and send it back to you but I don't think you'll have any trouble with it.

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Ok thanks i will try it and see how it comes out. I looked in one of my springfield leather magazines and they have tublar rivets that looks like they are longer on the other end that is considered the mate. Do you know anything about those kind of rivets and do you think they would work with my swarvoski rivets also?


The hole in the tubular rivet is too small, the post won't go into it.

Are these simply for decoration,are you using two or more layers of leather, can you rivet through the first layer and then stitch them together?

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These are for decorations someone has a premade tack set they want me to decorate with spots and swarovski crystals. I found standard rivet company that makes harness spots that have crimped prongs that set up inside thick leather instead of going through to the back of the leather, but i havnt had much luck on finding swarovski rivets or the rimsets to set them myself that are kind of like the crimped spots. I thought about crimping the prongs myself on the rim sets and seeing if they set up inside the leather like the spots would but im afraid they wouldnt work out.


Another option for you might be a decorative piece of leather with the swarovski crystals riveted to that and then stitched to the premade tack.

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