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Not Good Enough To Draw My Own Pics.

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I've been tooling for a few weeks now and I think im doing pretty good. My problem is im not a good enough artist to draw my own template to trace onto the leather, I have to rely on printing pics off line . Does anyone else have this problem, or is it that big of a problem?

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Hello Anthony,

Many folks are not artistic when it pertains to "drawing", and do exactly what you do. There is so much online that you can, with a bit of searching, find nearly anything you would like to use.

I am guilty of using this method to make many items.

Clip art in some of the better publishing programs can be very beneficial.

In my youth, I was able to draw fairly well but that has gone by the wayside these days.

I have printed many items and then modified for my use on projects. Never did like to copy anything without adding my own personal touch and this also keeps one clear of the copyright issue.

Many artists allow you to use their artwork any way you wish but others are a bit fussy, at times, and not so willing to share. Has never been a problem for me and sure that many others do the same thing.

God Bless.


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Hello Anthony,

Many folks are not artistic when it pertains to "drawing", and do exactly what you do. There is so much online that you can, with a bit of searching, find nearly anything you would like to use.

I am guilty of using this method to make many items.

Clip art in some of the better publishing programs can be very beneficial.

In my youth, I was able to draw fairly well but that has gone by the wayside these days.

I have printed many items and then modified for my use on projects. Never did like to copy anything without adding my own personal touch and this also keeps one clear of the copyright issue.

Many artists allow you to use their artwork any way you wish but others are a bit fussy, at times, and not so willing to share. Has never been a problem for me and sure that many others do the same thing.

God Bless.


Just agreeing with Ray.

May God bless,


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I did the same thing for years, figuring that I was never going to learn to draw. The problem was that everything that I came up with just didn't fir my patterns. I started ordering books and videos and took the time to start practicing and studying. It hasn't been easy but it was not as hard as I figured and will worth the time. I still have a long ways to go but it has been worth it and improved my carving at the same time. Bob Parks book is a good place to start, (hidepounder). Don't under estimate your self, if I can get somewhat of a handle on it then anybody can.

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If I have to do something custom for someone I usually hit the internet, find a picture I like, and then free draw it on the item. Simply because it's hard to get it to fit the way you want it to when you print it. When I do things for my booth I use my own designs usually. I'm not an artist but it works for me. Also I have a book of belt designs since it's so hard to find something to fit to those. Cheryl

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