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I am trying to make my own maul and reading some thread I have seen that poly wins against rawhide.

Do you know some store who sells poly rod/bar with diameter 80mm and length 70-80mm and that ship across EU?

Just to be sure, poly means polyurethane, right?

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They do not ship outside USA, I'm searching a store in Europe with reasonable shipping costs

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Posted (edited)

Sorry, did not see the Europe part of your post.


Company has several styles of rod and block you can purchase.

http://www.directplasticsonline.co.uk/PolyurethaneRod - Poly Rod only goes up to 62mm though

http://www.polyurethanemanufacturers.co.uk/rods-tubes-blocks-and-sheets.html - Might be worth calling them if you still haven't found what you want.

Edited by barehandcustoms
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I would use acetal (Delrin) not urethane..just my HO.

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Mmm, I will take a look at that store.

I would use acetal (Delrin) not urethane..just my HO.

Can you tell me why you suggest the acetal? according to an hardness scale I have found on internet, polyurethane has a hardness between rubbers (too soft) and plastics. Nylon and acetal have an hardness very high so maybe they can damage the tools.

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think of it this way if your hitting your tools hard enough to cause damage 1. you have very poor quality tools 2. you will most likely go through what ever thickness leather your tooling unless its saddle skirting 3. polyurethane will "bounce" more than rawhide, Delrin and or wood....more bounce=more work for your arm=less time tooling, plus more chances of injury IMHO. also if your dead set on polyurethane as a maul/mallet why not just find a skate shop and buy some already cut and drilled skateboard/longboard wheels? Whew! that was more than 2 cents worth!

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Posted (edited)

So do you think that the choice of poly, made by all mauls manufacturers, isn't the best one? Well, if I find a store with both poly and acetal I will buy two heads and I will use both of them to make a comparison.

Edited by handsw
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My local plastics supplier suggested I use "ultra high molecular weight" poly, as it is preferred by stone masons for their mallets because it doesn't mushroom their chisels. It is quite dead and doesn't bounce much at all. I bought 2' of 2" dia. for $12cdn.,enough for 6 heads 4" long. Gump.

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Even Polyethylene 1000 is UHMW and I can find it on ebay but I don't know if it is too soft compared to poly or acetal

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Last year I did what your going to do. I found a large box of assorted poly rods different sizes and colors , some softer then others. I made a black one about 24 oz. the black seemed harder but not breakable , the larger white one I added very heavy washers and an 5/8" bolt for he handle . Black one I used a handle from an old string trimmer aluminum lower handle had a sponge grip works well my favorite of the two. Oh the white one I used a grip over the bolt with a tube to make the size of the grip 7/8" . The poly cuts nice and drills easy too. The black seemed to kinda get hot and welded it self if you work it to hard. Still I got the box and could make at least 6 more, even have a peace of green about 6" in diameter x 5" or so, and smaller black also . Ck eBay I paid I think with shipping about $25.00 plus or minus $5.00 . Gary

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Posted (edited)

Still I got the box and could make at least 6 more, even have a peace of green about 6" in diameter x 5" or so, and smaller black also

That's what I want to avoid. Unless I plan to make other mauls with the intention of selling them, I would like to buy only the pieces I need. I have asked to a UK store and they answered me that for a piece of 80x70mm and another of 60*50mm the shipping costs were 43£ :jawdropper:.

I have checked ebay but the best deal I have found will cost me 33 euro all included, but it is still too much.

Edited by handsw
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You miss the point, the cost of the poly from the store your quoting is why I bid on the box lot of peices , the cost of a good maul. Is at least twice what I paid for the lot itself. Plus building it myself is gratifying . Sounds like you should just bite the bullet and buy new.

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I find working with leather and in general DIY very gratifying but according to your idea I would have a budget of 80 + 55$ (1 Barry king 96oz + 1 Barry King 16oz). Okay, I want to make two mauls on my own, but I have chosen to make them because it is gratyfing and because in this way I can save some money.

Furthermore I don't like to pay one thing more than its cost.

Maybe I am stingy but if spending some time to search the best offer on internet can help me to save money, I prefer to do that. After all, this is an hobby and I don't die if I won't have the mauls.

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