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Skipped Stitches Adler 167 Gk 373

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Recently bought the above machine and have problems with skipped stiches. Anyone have an idea what to do?


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Check if you have insert the needle correctly and if the needle scarf is facing straight toward the hook. Check at which point the hook tip meets the needle scarf. The hook tip should meet the needle scarf about 1.6mm above the needle eye when the needle bar is in the upwards movement.

Thats what I´d check first.

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Thanks for the help but it seems ok. During the investigation I discovered that there are some threads under the whole "hook assembly", see picture. I guess they dont help. I would like to clean these out. I have the service manual in german for the Adler 67. Is that manual valid for 167?

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The service manual for a 67 will work on a 167. Only difference is the size of the hook. Your machine needs a very good cleaning in the hook area. Brush out with an old paint brush or cleaning brush and blow out if you can get an air supply to it. Once clean, I would remove the bobbin case from the shuttle or hook and clean under that it. This is done by removing the 2 or 3 tiny screws that hold the gib down. If there are still threads showing, they are under the hook. To remove the threads,the hook needs to be loosen or taken out completely. If you have never done this, it will take some learning. I believe the service manual instructs you on how to do that. Should be a screw in the middle of the hook under the bobbin case. That is the one that needs to be at least loosen to get out any threads out from under it.


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Well its dirty, Looks like velvet and it is completely glued to the parts of the machine. Only possible to clean with solvent and cotton swabs. Could not get the hook out but threads yes. I guess that it is completely "glued" but I dont dare to apply more force. The manual does not say how to get it out.

I have a tool which is fantastic, a hemostat (pean). This tool is very versatile, small screws threads etc. It made the trick. Now I just have to test the machine again but that will be tomorrow.

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Holy cow - your machine really needs a god cleaning! If the brush is not enough to remove the dirt use some kerosene. it will help to remove the old gummed up oil + grease. After that oil the entire machine thoroughly.

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YIPPEEEEE! Now it works! Thanks to Constabulary and shoepatcher! The problem was that the static footplate was missing a screw. This made the bobin case to swing out of place sometimes. Unfortunately the screw is not metric. Close to M4 but no cigar. I made a new screw from non-stainless and shorter and makes the screw to stick. The machine is also much cleaner but the hook case is still stuck and its not possible to adjust the height of the hook. Well another day I will have the time and strength.

Another gain is now I do understand this part of the machine much better and what is supposed to happen. The service manual was also of great help.

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You cannot adjust the hook hight. If the hook is not meeting the needle scarf as mentioned above you have to adjust the needle bar. You most likely have to lower it a little bit.

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You are 100% right. I meant the lift of the bobbin case. You should be able to adjust by loosening "screw 41" to rotate the "plate 42" (page 15 in service manual). Unfortunately it is not possible to rotate the plate on my machine and certainly I would like to.

Anyway after sewing a little bit more I still got occasionally skipped stitches on back strokes. Then I went back to your advice above and lowered the needle bar a little bit more approx 0.1 mm. Now it sews like a charm and no interference between the hook and the needle.

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