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Blackbirdhills Andy

Blanchard Plough Gauge, Any Information?

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Hi all!

I've had the chance to buy this blanchard plough gauge along with some other stuff... As you see, it's one without the head-screw, and I don't find any information about its age... The knife has nothing written on it, so I suppose the original one was replaced...

Can anyone give me some information about this thing? :-)

Thanks a lot,



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I don't know anything about plough gauges, but here is their website


I have dealt with this contact recently, he speaks English


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I did not see this was an old post? I got an notification this was a new topic. There must be a bug somewhere?


Edited by Trox

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Hi Andy, like I said, I did not realize it was a old tread. However, you can still go to the topic in leather history " tools of a Swiss saddler" by Walther Roth. You will find your plough there, I hope you bought it? It's the # 602 in the Lutz Catalog, who had the same catalog as Blanchard. There are pics of these catalogs in "The dictionary of leather working tools 1700-1950". That's a very nice book by the way, it's available in Amazon or other online book stores. So the time frame your tool has been manufactured has to be between 1826 to 1950. What about that nice halv round knife on your picture, what's the maker stamp on it. I have several different ploughs my self, from Dixon with screw adjustments, top lock to French old and new style. I do not have the like of yours, they do not come up for sale very often.


Edited by Trox

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I have a nice Blanchard plough gauge and it still works great for cutting straps. Most recently I cut some 1.5" straps from 10oz bridle to make a ranger belt. No problems at all.

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