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Saddle fit for gaited horse question.

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Can anyone tell me how a saddle designed for an Icelandic horse would differ from a saddle designed for any other gaited or non gaited horse?

If I am correct in my thinking, isn't a Tolt similar to a running walk and saddles designed to fit a gaited horse would accommodate a gaited horse of another breed? Thoughts?

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I have been riding gaited horses ( of several breeds) my whole life and with very few exceptions a properly fitting saddle is a properly fitting saddle. I have never rode an Icelandic horse but the rest of the gaited horses I have ridden never required a gaited saddle, the saddle just had to be suitable for the horse's back. Usually a "semi qtr horse" saddle with a deep gullet will do the job as well as a "gaited" saddle. I have ridden several types of gaited saddles also and I among the breeds I've ridden they have interchanged nicely. If you're really worried you can always get one of those english cutback saddles, anything will ride in them.

Hope this helps


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Well my most recent experience reminded me that saddles are not breed specific and rarely is a 'breed specific' saddle going to fit all the backs of the breed it was meant for.

I.E. you fit each horse according to it's needs. That is not to say that one saddle wont fit other horses, rather, it is not safe to assume that a saddle for one gated horse will fit another gated horse. It's a try it and see proposition. Bets wishes. GH

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I used to take riding lessons with a woman who had the cutest Icelandic mare named Kopa. Smallest horse in the pasture, and she was the boss. She even had a Fjordhorse named Sigrid as her muscle.

Anyway, to the best of my recollection, she rode Kopa with a dressage saddle.

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We have a lot of Iceland ponys here in Sweden, and they don´t need any special kind of saddle although most of them are gaited. The Iceland pony saddles I´ve seen have been built just like any english dressage saddle. Iceland pony have short backs, a thing to consider when you buy a saddle.

Edited by oldtimer

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We have a lot of Iceland ponys here in Sweden, and they don´t need any special kind of saddle although most of them are gaited. The Iceland pony saddles I´ve seen have been built just like any english dressage saddle. Iceland pony have short backs, a thing to consider when you buy a saddle.

Thank you for your post. The saddle in question is a Sleipner saddle. I have been told that they are no longer in production, but had a very good reputation. The saddle itself is on the other side of the country and is priced very low($275.00). The seller claims it to be 10 - 15 years old and a 17.5 inch seat and a medium tree.. She says its sound and too narrow for her very wide Icey mare. However, she needs to move it and has priced it as a final sale item. I do not have an Icelandic horse, but TWH's and MFT's. I am willing to take a chance on it ONLY if I can use it for my guys. My horses for the most part are narrow bodied and short coupled.

Any way, are you familiar with the Sleipner saddles?

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Thank you for your post. The saddle in question is a Sleipner saddle. I have been told that they are no longer in production, but had a very good reputation. The saddle itself is on the other side of the country and is priced very low($275.00). The seller claims it to be 10 - 15 years old and a 17.5 inch seat and a medium tree.. She says its sound and too narrow for her very wide Icey mare. However, she needs to move it and has priced it as a final sale item. I do not have an Icelandic horse, but TWH's and MFT's. I am willing to take a chance on it ONLY if I can use it for my guys. My horses for the most part are narrow bodied and short coupled.

Any way, are you familiar with the Sleipner saddles?

Unfortunately I´m not familiar with the Sleipner saddles. It seems that the saddle industry is a step behind in building wider saddles for Icelandic horses, as a lot of people over here have problems in finding saddles wide enough for their Iceys.

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Ask the seller if you can send her a tracing of your horse's shoulders if she would send you a picture of the tracing held in place under the gullet of the Sleipner so you can get a better idea if the 'medium' tree would be a match for you. Or, as I believe, English saddles are a bit more standard that western when it comes to measurements, go to a local saddle store and check your tracing on various english saddles that are med. trees. It they seem to be similar you should be able to have better idea about the Sleipner.

[tracing is; make a wire form of the area where the pommel sets over your horse's shoulders and transfer the wire to a piece of poster board by drawing the shape of the wire on the poster board, cut and use the bottom part as the form for checking saddle widths. This is not an abslute match but should get you in the ballpark for your situation] Good Luck GH

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