Members Hidemechanic Posted November 4, 2008 Members Report Posted November 4, 2008 My wife found this pic in a mag. The mom took old bags and cut leg holes in them so she didn't have to hire a baby sitter. When my wife was preg with our youngest we would ride and he would go right to sleep with the rocking of the horse's steps. Later after he was born and big enough(8wks premy) she made a sling for him and we still got to ride and he would stay asleep most of the ride. There weren't interuptions for feeding either as his food sourse was right there withing reach. The things we do to ride.GH Quote
Members Todd Posted November 4, 2008 Members Report Posted November 4, 2008 This is quite a humorous picture, however as a person who realizes the unpredictable nature of horses despite all the time we put into trying to get the flight and fight nature out of them, this scares the heck out of me. It makes me wince as a father and as a horse trainer to think that someone might strap an infant onto a 1200 animal in any way. I have seen pictures of me in the saddle with my father as an infant but never locked on in any way. To me it's a horrible accident waiting to happen and I don't recommend anybody try to duplicate this in any way even if we do think our horses are bomb-proof. Quote
Members JRedding Posted November 4, 2008 Members Report Posted November 4, 2008 That's one of the five dumbest things I've ever seen. The only hope for this scenario is if God really does help little children and idiots first. Quote
Members Tosch Posted November 4, 2008 Members Report Posted November 4, 2008 (edited) I had to laugh when I saw the pic. The idea is great - but only as a joke! Other than that I dito JRedding. Edited November 4, 2008 by Tosch Quote
Members buffalo Posted November 5, 2008 Members Report Posted November 5, 2008 The term "child endangerment" comes to mind. Unbelievable. Regards Buff Quote
Timbo Posted November 5, 2008 Report Posted November 5, 2008 I'm in agreement........I know its supposed to be funny......but that scares the hell out of me. Tim Quote
Members Hidemechanic Posted November 5, 2008 Author Members Report Posted November 5, 2008 Okay, disclaimer well taken, I agree I would not suggest anyone do this, however there are horses and horse owners who know what their situation is and can make a determination as to what is safe. We all take calculated risks every day. I understand why some may off hand think this is a wreck waiting to happen, but I also know my animals and where I ride and my own abilities with my animals. This picture didn't bother me because when I think about it, I expect that this gal knew what she was doing. Now if we hear in the paper next week that a mom and her twin babies were in an accident while horseback riding, then I'll get on board about what idiots people can be. Now I think I'll go turn on the TV and listen to my new president tell me how he's going to make own lives better.YeeHah..GH Quote
Members TrooperChuck Posted December 4, 2008 Members Report Posted December 4, 2008 I've had "bomb-proof" horses spook and take off in a run-away. I've seen "family horses" brush up against trees, badly bruising the rider. I once watched a "dead calm" pony go berserk in a show arena, bucking it's little girl rider off. I had an extrememly calm and gentle horse suddenly attacked by an aggressive dog that showed up unexpectedly. The horse panicked and ran straight up a hill through impossibly thick brush. It took me two hours of tracking on foot to recover the horse. One of the best horseman I've ever personally known was riding his "grandpa's horse" when a passing trucker thought it would be funny to honk his air horn as he drove by. That cowboy spent the next three months in the hospital. If any of those things had happened while my child was strapped to the side of the horse, I'd deserve to be investigated for child endangerment. The fact is, no matter how well you know your horse, there is ALWAYS the chance of something unexpected and unpredictable happening. If that picture is for real, and not something cobbled together on a computer, that woman needs to be made aware of the realities of horses. Quote
Members okiwen Posted December 5, 2008 Members Report Posted December 5, 2008 Oh lighten up!! Holy cow. Quote
Bob Posted December 5, 2008 Report Posted December 5, 2008 I won't do that with my kids. That's just plain foolishness. You'd be much better off straping them into a packsack. One on the front and one on the back of your body. NOT TO THE HORSE!!!!!! Thats just dumb. Quote
Members Hidemechanic Posted December 10, 2008 Author Members Report Posted December 10, 2008 I didn't mean to get people riled up. Though I also don't want to sound insulting about anyone's idea of 'bomb proof', I will say that I know my animals and I'm smart enough to know what my limits are and what their limits are and I wont ask them to do anything that I don't know they can handle. Some of us remeber things we did in our youth as well as things our parents or grandparents did that would now be concidered as child endangerment. Today we allow our kids to ride vehicles and participate in activities that can and have had minor to desaterous conciquences. We take chances everyday. What some folks don't understand is that it is easy for one person who has little information about a subject can judge others for having low intellegence or little concern for safety. My example is that my horses have grown up with me and my kids have grown up with them and we all have respect and understanding of each other. I wouldn't take your horse and do things with it and my youngsters that I would do with horses because we don't have that relationship and understanding. I know my horses accept me and my kids as part of their herd and intellagent herds take care of each other. I thought I told this story somewhere on the board but I'll mention it here as an example. I just arived back home one afternoon on my gelding with my toddler in my lap(in the saddle), his holder brother had just gotten off the bus.On his way to the house to meet us he picked up the garbage can and carried it over his shoulder. When he came around the corner I was just letting my youngest down to the ground. My gelding was startled and began spinning by the time he realised my son and the garbage can he had made three full circles without going anywhare(spinning in place). He stopped and calmed down, I stepped off and my toddler was sitting right under the gelding's belly. The horse made a perfect circle around him and not one hoof print was inside that circle where my son sat. Though the horse was startled he knew exactly where my son was and where his feet were going. Now you can call me nuts or whatever you want but if you don't have that kind of relationship with your horse you can't understand. Here's some pix of my boys with their horses. Regards, GH Quote
Members TrooperChuck Posted December 20, 2008 Members Report Posted December 20, 2008 I think I need to take okiwen's advice, and lighten up. The more I think about it, the more I'm believing that pic was probably just meant to be humorous. Yeah, I know there MIGHT be some folks who will think those are great saddle bags, but those people are always going to be around, and they'll do what they want regardless of what others think. I spent 22 years as a state trooper in Alaska, so sometimes I can get a bit crazy about safety issues. It was an occupational habit that kept me alive, but it's also easy to get on my high horse about it, too. So, Hidemechanic, thanks for sharing the pic, even if it raised a ruckus! Heck, sometimes a good ruckus is actually kind of fun. Quote
HorsehairBraider Posted December 21, 2008 Report Posted December 21, 2008 I'm pretty sure this is a joke - and I do think it's very funny. When I look at the picture, it looks "faked" to me. I don't think that horse was really standing on that real nice trail with the fall leaves etc. and I don't think the kids are actually hanging on the horse, I think they were 'photo shopped' in. To me anyway, they look suspiciously identical, like the same photo just flipped! But the photo, and the idea behind it, is pretty darn funny and I am glad someone took the time to share it. Talk about people spending all their time riding, I remember talking to a WY cowboy who told me his mother "never learned to walk, until her horse went lame one day". That lady would have appreciated this joke! Quote
Ambassador broncobuster Posted December 31, 2008 Ambassador Report Posted December 31, 2008 Im going to chime in on behalf of hidemechanic. Im not saying this is not dangerous n it probabley only lastest long enough for the photo but my mare who I had since she was 2 n she died 5 yrs ago at 28. never ever hurt anyone in all the years I owned her. she was a lesson horse n had many many riders n this was not in a ring setting. she gave people who have gotten hurt on other horses there confidence back. she gave 4-h kids life learnins. she babysat the smallest of kids and the most inexperienced. she could go from 50 to 0 n fall asleep when done doing something. she was shown, trail riden, in parades, roped off of, gamed, team penned, jumped, I and many kids showed her english n western, I drove her she did everything asked of her with no quams. if by chance she did get spooked she stop dead in her tracks. kids crawled all over her. anyone could lay underneath her she would never step on you. she would litterally die trying doing anything for me. If the younger horses or others got out shed round them up n be standing with them at the gate to get back in. we had a huge connection. everyone thought we had esp.I could go o n on about my mare. I know this is a very rare horse but can be done with most horses if you spend the hours on them. like hide said there your herd. I have 10 horses n of course none as versitile as her but you can go in the herd of 10 n no one will fight or kick the whole time anyone is around them. they know whos boss. this mare was one in a 1000 but they are out there. If anyone had pics of me doing the crazy things I do on my horses they be making me wear helmets n pads all over my body. but If you have horse savvy and thats something you cant get out of books or videos.theres a lot that think they have savvy. you know your animals. and horse savvy people are rare like the good horses that are out there. Im not accepting this as being safe and as an instructor one of the first things i teach is no horse is 100% safe and to always be alert. and pay attention. but one can get hurt just crossing a street. life is no fun if you dont take a few chances. of course not with kids. Im an adult if i want to be stupid on my horse then I will cause theres stupid people on ATVs snowmobiles, trucks etc... LOL i figure the safety people will start putting airbags on horses pretty soon just because its for safety lol. Quote
Members Caelan Posted March 10, 2009 Members Report Posted March 10, 2009 My wife found this pic in a mag. The mom took old bags and cut leg holes in them so she didn't have to hire a baby sitter. The picture probably was photoshopped, but I have to admit that small children anywhere near a horse just about give me a stroke. Even the safest, most completely reliable animal can kick at a fly, slip, spook...anything. Many years ago, a neighbour's 5yr old was nearly killed when he was brushing his Mom's dead broke horse in the center aisle. Mom was only 10' away cleaning tack. Another horse being ridden in the indoor arena balked at a jump and dumped the rider. Someone forgot to close the gate between the arena and the barn and the loose horse ran into the barn, tangling up in Mommy's horse's crossties. You can imagine the result. Quote
HARVEY Posted March 10, 2009 Report Posted March 10, 2009 To add to J Redding's above comment, and to quote from our native humorist Mark Twain: "The proverb says that Providence protects children and idiots. This is really true. I know because I have tested it." Quote
Members Saddlebag Posted April 21, 2009 Members Report Posted April 21, 2009 Horses seem to have a rapport with children that adults have a difficult time achieving. I've had horses that were mindful and very gentle with children but we didn't push our luck in fly season. Quote
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