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Snubby Holster - Critique Please

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After a few dozen chew toys and a few for personal use I have finally constructed something I don't mind showing others. It's not perfect and a long ways from where I want to be but I finally feel like I'm making forward progress in this craft. Please give your opinions so that I can learn from this one to make the next one even better. Thanks!


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Here's what I see that **might** improve the aesthetics: The stitch line under the muzzle has an odd angle- it should be parallel to the stitch line for the top of the revolver....&....personally, I think an open muzzle is better because any lint/dirt/etc. that happens to get into the holster can fall through.

Other than that, I think it'd look better sitting on MY table. Very nice job on the coloring and stitching.

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First, thanks for the compliments. The stitch line is one of the glaring mistakes for me this is the first time I have successfully* completed this pattern the last attempt I had the stitch line too far in and try as I might couldn't get the gun in the holster so this time I moved it out and screwed up the angle in the process. The bottom is actually open its just too long, next time I'll shorten the pattern just a bit.

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Looks like maybe a little 'fuzzy' at the top (or just the pic?), but the color looks pretty good, stitches are consistent, slots aren't "wollered out' to no end (see a lot of that lately). Overall, I like it (though, I personally WOULD cut the bottom right off there :) )

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It's a nice lookin' holster. The stitch lines are straight, the color's good and the design allows a full grip before unholstering.

I agree that the stitch lines would look better parallel and to me the bottom would look better either stitched or trimmed.


I personally prefer an open bottom holster.

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