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Anyone know if rivets like these are available anywhere?

Really like the ones on the old Burton golf bag. The other is from a Mizuno golf bag (more recent).


Another question too: About zippers, are 2 way zippers actually any different to normal zippers, the teeth etc?

I need "center opening" (if that's what you call it, open from center to the ends) 2 way zippers for bags.

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Sorry I can't help with the rivets but the zipper you need sounds like a standard two way with both ends closed for bags. As far as I know they are the typical design with 'normal' teeth and you should be able to find two way zippers in three styles; Both ends open (fully separating like on a jacket), one end open (I have these on the pant legs of my coveralls) and both ends closed (for purses, bags etc). I think you could convert open ends to closed end too but I've never tried it.

Posted (edited)

The rivets on the Burton are called burr rivets. Just about any leathercraft supply will have them: LF, Ohic TB, Springfield, etc. Ideally you need the proper tool to do a nice job and you need to practice setting a few before you try to install them on you production. LF has or had an inexpensive tool and you can spend a ton of money of one, but the bottomline is skill with your tools and you can't buy that.

Here's the LF page: http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/product/copper-rivets-burrs-11280-006.aspx .... and this page is probably the best money can buy: http://www.sheridanleather.com/Douglas_Tools_s/1632.htm?searching=Y&sort=3&cat=1632&show=10&page=2

When I look at that tool I see an old cold chisel modified to do another job: https://www.google.com/search?q=copper+burr+rivets&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS605US605&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=WBSwVNKzBIGvyATg54C4DA&ved=0CIABELAE&biw=1536&bih=764

Those other rivets in you post are some sort of double cap. The one on the left was probably shaped in that format by the setting tool.

I'm not sure I posted these links correctly. Contact me if you have more questions. Hopefully this will help. ~Bill

Edited by Billsotx
  • 1 month later...
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first question,we have them

second question:for metal zipper, the tooth is not the same for 2 way zipper.

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