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Hi everyone I started making knives about a year ago and well that is what got me into leatherworking. I found that when I bought other folks knife Sheaths that they did not fit my knives, so I decided to learn to make my own. YouTube is a wonderful place to learn about all kinds of things and making leather sheaths was an easy find. As you see in the sheaths are plain and a simple design and I need to work on my stiching alingment but these are my first attempts.

Let me know what you think.

I am working on a Patch knife now and when I get the sheath completed I will post my work back up here.








Hello Vern, and welcome to the site.

Your work is very good and always nice to see what other ideas folks have when making sheaths.

Making sheaths is something all knife enthusiasts should attempt. Myself included. lol.

God Bless.



Hi Vern, welcome to LW. Beautiful work!

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Welcome to the forum from a fellow Virginian! Your work looks great!

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Welcome. Beautiful knives!

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Welcome to a great site lots of great people here willing to help if needed, Lord knows we all do at one time or anther

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Well I thank everyone for the warm welcome and hopefully I will learn a lot as I am just finding my way with the stamping on my sheaths right now. On the sheath I am working on now for my Patch Knife (think Mountain Man and Hawkins .50 cal.) I tried my hand at the Basket weave pattern. Since this knife is for me I can handle a mistake or two in the leatherwork. I had a few issues where my alignment was slightly out in the center but I think I recovered from it and my edges were even. I will post photos of it when I get the sheath all put together probably this weekend.

I am still trying to understand the Stain, Dye, and Finish part of leatherworking. I have read what is posted to the forum topics and I understand the difference between the stain and dye but not exactly when I should use one or the other. As for the finish how do I choose between all of them? Right now I have just been using the Eco-Flo dye (Saddle Tan) and their finish but I can say I am not real pleased with the way it looks. Well I guess I need to Practice some more on it. I have 2 more sheaths to work on after this one so I think I will get the practice.


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