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Big Papa Leather

Making a money belt

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Has anyone made one of these? LOL

I can't get the search to work for me today. If I search "money belt" it tells me it's under 3 letters and I need a new search.

I dunno. But I know stitching the liner in would be the best way to do this, but I do not want to stitch the entire belt. Anyone have any ideas short of a huge amount of time stitching the entire belt, or maybe incorporating the stitching of the pocket/liner into the design some how?

I dunno. Help!?


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I've made one before and used a curved awl and needle to sew the liner onto the belt so that no stitching showed at all. Kevin

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you could buckstitch or lace the edge to attach it as a decorative but usefull. I have a machine but if I had to do by hand. Id do a liner whole length of belt put a zipper in the liner n add to belt with the lacing or buckstitch. i would glue liner on also but leave the area where the zipper is un glued. Bronc

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