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Adler 105-64 Lost Bottom Thread Tension..?

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Just changed bobbin bottom thread on my ADLER 105-64....suddenly, I realized my bottom tension was completly off....grabbed a small screw driver and tried to adjust the tension at the front of the bobbin barrel...screw goes all the way in....still no tension....hmmmm....what happened..?

As I see the screw does bind down on the bottom of axel of the bobbin carrier and thats how you get tension??

Not sure....need a few hints, I am sure I am overlooking something....spring is in the barrel....now running with extreem loose top thread to compensate....ok on thick leather....but thinner stuff will show loose thread loops....cant figger that one out....any ideas.......thanks!!


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Sounds like dirt / lint under the tension spring or a brocken spring. Check the 2 small tongues that hold the spring in the boddy. You should see them both from the inside. Maybe they are broken off.

Edited by Constabulary

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Sounds like dirt / lint under the tension spring or a brocken spring. Check the 2 small tongues that hold the spring in the boddy. You should see them both from the inside. Maybe they are broken off.

Thanks for the info....need to check that out...inside the barrel there is a spiral spring and it seems just to sit in there....I need to check this half wrap around metal where the bottom thread exits and see why there is maybe no more pressure...not sure, have to take out the hole "Schiffchen" and clean it out....this Adler 105 has been a VERY good one for many years now since I owned it !!!

Vielen Dank und Gruesse nach Deutschland


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Thanks for the info....need to check that out...inside the barrel there is a spiral spring and it seems just to sit in there....I need to check this half wrap around metal where the bottom thread exits and see why there is maybe no more pressure...not sure, have to take out the hole "Schiffchen" and clean it out....this Adler 105 has been a VERY good one for many years now since I owned it !!!

Vielen Dank und Gruesse nach Deutschland


This is what I mean - see pictures. But yours may look different. Not sure if there are diffrent type of hooks for the 105

Thanks for the greetings :)




Edited by Constabulary

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