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Stitch Straddling Card Slots Is Ruining Line Of Stitches...

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Hey friends,

I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions to correct this......please refer to the photos....I made a stitch straddle a card slot and it completely ruined the line of stitching....I didn't change anything about the thread/needle priority or tension, I kept everything the same....

I wonder if this has anything to do with it.......instead of spacing the stitch where the top edge of the card slot would be in the middle of the stitch that is straddling it, I put the hole at the top edge....



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This is an unfortunate side effect of the sewing machine. The attached photo shows how it does look on the one side and how you want it to look on the other and how to make that happen. I've never used a sewing machine so I'm no expert, but when hand sewing I pass the lead thread under the overlap at the last stitch and then continue on with the stitch line. I can't see that happening with a sewing machine.

Sorry for the bad news. Maybe someone has solved this problem.



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This is an unfortunate side effect of the sewing machine. The attached photo shows how it does look on the one side and how you want it to look on the other and how to make that happen. I've never used a sewing machine so I'm no expert, but when hand sewing I pass the lead thread under the overlap at the last stitch and then continue on with the stitch line. I can't see that happening with a sewing machine.

Sorry for the bad news. Maybe someone has solved this problem.


Hey Jim, thanks for the reply :)

Sorry I was not clear about this, but I am not using a sewing machine....I am hand stitching.......

I was experimenting last nite and discovered that when you are passing the needle/thread through the hole just above the top of the card pocket, I just have to be extra careful with which direction I'm pulling the thread to get it to seat properly and lay like the rest of them.....

In other words, I normally pull the left thread up and the right thread down......I've found that if I exaggerate this, the thread seats normally....

Thanks again!!! This is definitely a learning process haha

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Oops, my goof. When you said "not changing the tension" I assumed sewing machine.

Now, if it's something you would like to do, you might try the "stitch under the overlap" as shown in the drawing. It's just my humble opinion but it gives the final sewn item a very neat look.

Hope it helps.


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