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Had a tropical cyclone headed this way last week so I was sat in front of the computer instead of in the workshop, and started to rough out an idea for a cosplay style leather top. After playing around a bit I came up with this -


Wasn't quite there though, the back was wrong, so -


Then it hit me, I could alternate the colours like in the Harley Quinn costume, I've a friend who cosplays her a lot, so -


Today I finally got the pattern worked out and the leather cut and dyed. I riveted the entire lot together. I did consider sewing but on this occasion I liked the look of the rivets, and this is still the prototype :) End of the day, here she is - Harley!


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I really like that! And I have to agree the rivets look much better then sewing. Tommorow I start my very first corset

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Nice, you done well!

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Thank you :) I made the pattern with my mannequin, some masking tape, and a lot of cut-up sheets of paper. I set the mannequin to my friends size as she already wanted to model it for me :P and just stuck pieces of paper on until it was in the shape I wanted, drew on the lines with a sharpie and cut it out. Managed to get it all to lay flat too, which was a surprise :P

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Quite nice !

You have given me a new direction to think about in how to go about a pattern for my vest.

I have the tutorial and pattern although it is the wrong size for me, just diden't know how to go about sizing it for myself.

Mannequin ? Thanx RavenAus Wild Bill46

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Well, this is her in her current Harley Quinn costume :)


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Excellent design, composition, and you're dead on with the rivets. Thanks for sharing.

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Seeing her in her currant costume and the one that you have made honestly mate its amazing what you have done!!!

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And here it is modeled by my lovely stepdaughter Zoe :)







  • 3 weeks later...
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Not really sure why it ended up placed in the naughty corner :P it's cosplay, not bedroom play?

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That is beautiful! Great work!

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That is fabulous, I showed it to my sister (a huge HQ fan) and she yelled "That is doooooope!"

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lol.... afraid to show it to my HQ friend.... she will want me to make her one....

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That is way too cool. What program do you use on your computer to do this. Autocad?

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I drew the original design in photoshop, 2D only. I then used a mannequin, tape and paper to make a 3D pattern. I would love to learn how to design direct onto the computer and unwrap it as a pattern, but that is beyond me as it stands! :)

I'm planning on making them for sale, so please do show them to HQ fans :P

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