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Japanese Cord Wrapping

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:helpsmilie: I don't know whether to post this here or in the Braiding area... Does anyone have a tutorial or instructions on how to do Japanese Cord Wrapping? I don't have a picture, but look at any samuri sword handle & you'll see what it is- a series of overlapping wraps over a stingray undercovering. I'd like to consider trying it on one of the dagger blades I have. It looks easier than standard braiding, but I just need instructions. Thanks in advance. russ

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Strider Knives has a step by step tutorial of a modified cord wrap using para cord:


If you want to know how to do it the traditional way:


Here's a link for a video:


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Tsuki-maki is a skill to do well. Traditionally silk is used, but there are tricks one can do. Doing a parawrap by pulling the core out of paracord is one way, also certian shoe stings can be used, both would then be "potted" with CA glue or somthing simuliar, sometimes epoxy altho it will leave a white coat and can be very unattractive.

Here are some other links to help.

Some more "tactical" then traditional. More of a parawrap then Tsukimaki..




There are many variations you can to with a para wrap, 1 to 6 string wraps, twist back wraps,dbl twist backs many many ways. Google TSUKI MAKI and youll find alot

If you do traditional wrap youll find its NOT any easier then braiding, I know Nihonto smiths that wont even do thier own wrap. There are people who do nothing but this and for good reason. Anyway enjoy, ask if you need any more help

Edited by Romey

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