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How To Resist

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I have always used resist to well resist things so they don't get other colors on them. Eco Flo I think. Today I'm working on a painted project and was going to resist the yellow so I didn't get green on it, and I can't find my resist anywhere. Can you folks tell me what else you've usd to resist with so I can see if I have it and how you use it? Thanks so much, Cheryl

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I use Wyoshene which is the same as Clear Lac. It's a laquer based product. Tandy sells Satin Sheen and Super Sheen, both of which are acrylic products (I think) but they take multiple coats and I always had trouble making them work well.

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Cheryl, one other thought: If you do find a new finish, make sure to test it on your paints first. It's possible that whatever solvent your new finish has could affect the paints your using and start removing them. Just a warning to be careful and test it out first.


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I'm still gonna use resolene for the finish, I just want to resist a carved moon so I can paint the mountains green. Then I'll put resolene over all of it Bob. I have 'leather sheen' I think from tandy so I'll try it and put several coats, and try it first on painted leather to make sure it's not going to remove the paint. Thanks Bob, Cheryl

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