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Tooled Piece Looks Better Before Dying!

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I seem to have a beautiful tooled piece that goes flat when I apply my antique gel. My stuff always looks so nice after tooling- w shadows and textures- then after applying super sheen to block out certain areas and dying it w the gel it just goes flat. Here is a photo of what I'm speaking of--

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Here's the "before"post-61195-0-91370800-1429327656_thumb.j

Edited by Leatherbyelaine

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Here's the "after"


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First, make sure that when you apply a resist treatment that you let it dry for at least 12 hours and then apply another coat. Let the second coating dry at least 12 hours and apply a third coating to ensure maximum resist effect; let that dry for 24 hours. When working with the Eco-Flo Gel Antiques (which I am assuming that this is what you used) you need to work fast (as they dry out quickly) and make sure that you go over it with a damp paper towel/soft cloth to pull off any excess that my be lingering on the surface. Once you have the excess removed let the piece dry for about an hour and give it a simple buffing to bring up a soft sheen. Let the piece continue to dry overnight and then buff thoroughly the next day to make sure that all remaining residue is removed. You can now apply your top finish product but always make sure that after any application of a product that you let the piece dry at least 24 hours to ensure that full drying has occurred and that the product has been allowed to properly set/oxidize as required.

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Thank you!!!!!

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