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I have been a silent participant on leatherworker.net for years now. I thought it would finally be a good time to introduce myself and show off a little bit of my work.

I learned how to work with leather while I worked at Paco Collars in Berkeley, CA. I recently moved to Cambridge and have been working on my craft. I set up my little studio where I hang out with my awesome dog, Aloo and make cool stuff. I mostly create dog collars, dog tags, pendants, bracelets, and belts.

I would love to have some feedback from fellow leather workers. Please let me know what you think :)

My website: http://www.josiedybe.com/

My Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JosieDybeDesigns

My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JosieDybeDesigns

My Flickr Stream: https://www.flickr.com/photos/123458807@N08/

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First of all, welcome! I went to your website and read your "About Me" section. You are as good a writer as artist. I enjoyed the read. Glad you stopped lurking and decided to dive in!

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Welcome to the forum! Cool collars, I really like them. Your website is pretty good too, did you design it? I might need to ask you about that sometime, mine need modernising... looking forward to see more of your work.

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Thanks guys! I really appreciate hearing your feedback :)

I did design my website. I use Portfolio Box which has a lot of great templates to work with. I would be happy to help out with some web design tips :)

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WOW,WOW,and WOW again, josie your animal accessories are breathtaking , i have never seen such beautiful and imaginative dog and cat collars, animal owners must be knocking your door down to own them, i am so glad you have joined the forum you are an inspiration to someone like me who has only just started out on my journey into the world of leathercraft. Thank you for the inspiration, i hope you post a tutorial of how you create these amazing works of art, your familly must be very proud to have such a wonderful artistic spirit as a daughter, take care , hope to talk again real soon. Peace.

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