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Keeping Stitching Iron Straight, Tip.

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So i have only been doing leathercraft for about four months now so i am in no way an expert, however i was having trouble keeping my japanese made stitching chisels vertical when punching them through items like wallets where there were multiple layers of leather and it was important for the back to remain as straight as the front. I have managed to find a technique that has helped with this and thought i would share it with the forum in case anyone else has the same problem. What i do is stand my engineers metal set square behind my work and then eye in the stitching chisel with the squares edge this gives me a pretty good idea of what is vertical and after a few times you kind of get a feel for where vertical is, this might not be a problem for other people i dont know, but it has really helped me out.I have put a photo of me demonstrating this in my gallery as i tried to upload a photo to this post and for some reason it said file too big.

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I think this is ingenious. Good idea and thanks for sharing the tip.

Edited by Tugadude

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No problem tugadude, i am glad you like my idea, that will most likely be the only good idea i have for a while, i tend to only have one good idea a year or my brain starts to hurt :crazy:

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