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Hey all I had posted this prior to "incident". Thought I would try for a second opinion. Please let me know what you think.


Rob Gerbitz



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Very nice looking Rob, i'm wanting to learn this braiding thing, it intriques me greatly.


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Nice work, I need to introduce you to my wife, shes been dying to learn to do that, how long did it take?

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I am still very new to braiding. The nose button took about 21/2 hours on the fouth and final attempt. the braiding around the core took about 11/2 hours. And the heel knot took about 2 - 3 hours. There were about 2 weeks of after work and weekends in hide prep and string cutting and beveling. I gave the bosal to a friend in trade for some ranch roping lessons. Even if I had charged him for it I might have made about 0.10 per hour. I sure did enjoy seeing it done. I am currently working on one for my wife... wonder what kind of trade we might come up with.


Very very nice work.

For those who are interested in the whole braiding/knotting thing, let me direct your gaze towards www.khww.net. I hope this is ok - I promote this site there, so guess turnabout might be fair play.

Knotting & braiding are my specialties (braiding - accomplished. Knotting - not so much!)

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Looks great. Making a bit hobble should be trivial for you after looking at this. What kind of cutter / beveler do you use?


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Hey Mega,

After seeing your bit hobble I was inspired to give one a try. Can't say that I was to pleased, but wife liked it, and slapped it on a bridle before I could let the dogs have it for a chew toy. Here is a picture of the beveler/cutter I use. Thank you for your input. I saw your hobble and the braiding looked good.



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