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Hello yall my name is Trevor and I'm new to the forum and leather working. I have read a bunch from this forum and have gained some great knowlege from everyone here this is an excellent site.

I have a pair of my dads old working chaps from maybe 30 years ago and was wondering what would be the best way to clean them back up. They were somewhat stiff from hanging in the barn for many years but what would yall put back into them to condition them and to help protect them moisture again?

I have researched this site quite a bit but seams everyone has so many different ways when it comes to dyeing, oiling, finishing, etc... I was thinking using pure neatsfootoil but after it soaks up for a couple days what would be best to put back over them to protect from moisture?

Thanks for any help- Trevor

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It may be easier seeing pictures to at least get an idea what it might need. Hanging for x years and not being treated at all brings up the question if it dryed out to a point where it's beyond repair or not.

I generally oil my tack from both sides (grain and flesh). If I would do the same in this case? I don't know. Definitely I wouldn't do it all at once. I'd ad a layer at a time and let it cure to avoid getting too much oil on it. On chaps I would only add a thin layer on the inside as I don't like it on my jeans.

If it comes to the oil being used... personal preference! To some it's like a religion. I read that some people like using olive oil, others used canola oil... I usually stick to products I'm getting with my local leather wholesaler.

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