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I went looking for oxalic acid, and found that it could be ordered, but that nobody stocked it. Then I hit Home depot and found Behr All in one wood cleaner, which happens to be a 10% solution of oxalic acid. It sells for 12.99 a gallon and works well for removing black spots off of vegtan. I have been getting spots quite a bit after wetting the leather for tooling or molding(tandy hides).

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Savogran makes 12 oz cans of powdered OA. Home Depot, Lowes and Ace hardware used to carry it but I didn't see it in a search.

Try Sherman-Williams or other local paint store. Not sure what you guys have up northeast <g>.

It's actually sold as Wood Bleach.

I wonder why you are getting spots? that is usually caused my getting metal or iron filings or some other metal in contact with the leather. A ring or bracelet maybe?

Good luck

  • 3 weeks later...

Oxalic Acid is carried in most home improvement stores, it is sold as "Barkeepers Friend", it is powdered. 1 tsp in a pint of water is what I mix, one can of barkeeper's friend lasts me forever. It costs less than $2.00 for enough to last a lifetime.


  • 1 year later...
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Hi, I get black spots on my leather when I case it. I use Herman oak. I tried buying water cause I thought maybe there was metal in the water. I just did a cantle and it's peppered with black spots. Kind of discouraging. How do you fix it? 


I just wet the leather and sprinkle " Barkeepers Friend" directly on the leather and scrub it with a damp/wet cloth.  Rinse off.   Works great. You can find "Barkeepers Friend" at any major grocery store in the cleaning what-nots section.


+1 for Bar Keepers Friend...works very well ... I use it like Cseeger does...sprinkle it on rub with a wet rag and then rinse off.

Bought it at Walmart.

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