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Just one of those times

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Recently I haven't been up to much in leather work, I have about 10 skins here of various sorts all waiting for projects to become but I just haven't been into it as much.

The mini braided whip was the last thing I did and it felt great to do some braiding again.

But I have that many projects to do I became stuck.

My backpack is now on hold after spending a week getting measurements right only to find I am short approx one square foot on two pieces of leather.

I have intentions and now the leather to do the edge braided wallet I always wanted, Have no idea how to do so and have wasted so much paper trying to design it the earth is crying.

I have a crop to do which I have actually been putting off for some time.

Several other ideas related to my backpack, which are starting to take over the thought processes running down my tunneling synapses.

A website to try and design.

A belt design and first attempt at carving I have been itching to start ever since certain tooling jobs other people have done.

Work out how to make a hell of a lot of bracelets, note books and necklaces for the upcoming seasonal boom in shopping without at this point having anything ready for it. Including a street license I assume I need to get right into the heart of town.

New tool ideas which need tested which I could probably patent and sell if I wanted to.


I am just ranting here and laying off a few burdens I am sure I will sort things out soon enough.

I am sure more than one of you get stuck in ruts, How do you deal with things and get back to normal?

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WOW! You're reading my thoughts!!!! I was going to post the same problem myself (about getting stuck). The past few days, it's like everything I put my hand to in the shop has gone bad or needed to be completely re-done. Yet I'm swamped with orders for Christmas, and have a big show this weekend. While I'm happy that my business has taken off since moving to Virginia, I'm not really happy about the pressure.

So what I've done this morning is this:

1. plan exactly the minimum I need to do each day.

2. work quietly (I usually have music going) and thoughtfully on whatever is in front of me (this morning it's wet forming mini roses for pins)

3. take a break every so often.

This might not work for everyone, but it is helping me. My main problem right now is that I bought a new book in my favorite series and what I REALLY want to do is curl up under a warm blanket and READ....

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