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I was looking at Clayb's lesson and i was wondering about the shading on the flowers,did the pear tool do the shading or was it dye, and if so what tool number and what is it called is that or a pic of the tool would be great,its just i cany understand how a tool can darken the leather.

Real Newbee



Link to Clyb's Flower: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?a...ost&id=4917

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Hi Syd,

Clay is using some good quality leather, probably Hermann Oak. The shading you see there is simlpy the depression made from the pear shader tool. When you have good leather like that, your tools cause a burnish on the leather. That's a good thing, that's what you want. It darkens because of the oils in the leather. Many of the other tools will have the same effect. If you use cheap leather you may not get the burnishing. My advise is to stay away from cheap leather and use something like Hermann Oak.

I don't know what number the tool was that Clay used here, but It could be something like P203 or P222, or thereabouts.


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Hi Syd,

Glad to have you with us here on the forum.

The coloring in that picture is from the tooling. The color is something that happens when the moisture is just right in the leather you are carving. Some leather will burnish (color from tooling) better than others. All the tools, bevelers, pear shaders etc will give your leather color.

I was hoping nobody would ask what tool numbers I used on that. I did that a long time ago and didn't write the numbers down. They aren't all that important anyway. From the picture, I would say it is a smooth pear shader. There are a lot of different numbers, mostly they represent different sizes. I would suggest you pick a medium sized one and start with that, or if you have a beginner set of tools, the one in there should work. Tools with lines or checkers on them will also give you a different look, but will also give color.

There are some posts on the forum about different ways to case (wet) your leather. You might want to try a few different ways and see which one works best for you. It will depend some on the leather you are using too. Some of the leather out of kits isn't going to work as well as other leather and probably wont give you the color you see in that floral carving.

Hope that helps some, and if it doesn't don't be scared to ask again. There are lots of people here that will try and help you out.

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syd, Also check Paul; Burnett's Painted Cow web site for a tutorial on casing. BTW, Wickett and Craig also have great leather. The only reason I mention that is that, to the best of my knowledge, Herman Oak Leather can only be purchased at Weavers. And, you need a sales tax license to buy from them. Carl

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Hi Carl,

You can get Herman Oak from several dealers without a sales tax license. Go here for the list off thier website

Hidecrafter used to carry a lower grade of HO and labeled it as American Value brand. I dont know if they are still carrying it, but I really liked it for price and quality.

Tandy is also selling a new tannage of leather that is supposed to be the same or similar to the Live Oak brand they carried way back when. I just got a side of that from Clay Miller at the Rapid City store and it really carves nice. It reminds me a lot of Wickett and Craig (which is also really nice leather)

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Hi Carl,

You can get Herman Oak from several dealers without a sales tax license. Go here for the list off thier website

Hidecrafter used to carry a lower grade of HO and labeled it as American Value brand. I dont know if they are still carrying it, but I really liked it for price and quality.

Tandy is also selling a new tannage of leather that is supposed to be the same or similar to the Live Oak brand they carried way back when. I just got a side of that from Clay Miller at the Rapid City store and it really carves nice. It reminds me a lot of Wickett and Craig (which is also really nice leather)


What's the name of the leather you are talking about that you got from Tandy? Is it the Royal Meadows? I really like this stuff. It's a pretty pale color and carves like a dream.


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Hey Marlon,

I am not sure what it is called. I just told Clay Miller that I had heard they had some new leather that was supposed to be pretty good and I wanted to try it. It is a pretty pale color and it does carve really nice. I did the pattern for our current monthly challenge on it, and it embossed really nice too. So whatever they call it, it's nice stuff.


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Many thanks for all your replies and for answering all my questions.

We dont have Leathercraft Courses or Leatercraft shops here in N,Ireland so you are all a great help to me,ive read some books but cant follow them very well, but its not long before you Guys and Girls help me out.



ps: Clayb, followed your link to Herman Oaks and sent them an email asking how much for postage to N,Ireland.


Edited by Syd

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Yeah I think that's the new stuff. Great product. I also heard that Tandy has been on a mission to re-tool the craftools, back to the original masters of the fifty's and sixties (the good ones). I have no info on the dates of production or anything, but this has come from a very good source.


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Yup Marlon,

Jim Linnell told me that in Sheridan last spring too. Tony Laier was snatching up a bunch of old Craftools from way back and they said that they were doing what you just mentioned. I don't know a time frame for when they will be in production, but it will be great when they get going.

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Many thanks for all your replies and for answering all my questions.

We dont have Leathercraft Courses or Leatercraft shops here in N,Ireland so you are all a great help to me,ive read some books but cant follow them very well, but its not long before you Guys and Girls help me out.



ps: Clayb, followed your link to Herman Oaks and sent them an email asking how much for postage to N,Ireland.



Also look into leather from small tanneries in Germany, Peter Main mentioned leather from there was among his favorite. So, you know....if it's good enough for him... Might be cheaper than postage from Herman Oaks. Just a thought.

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