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Which Of Both Machines To Buy

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Hello, I am going to buy my first sewing machine, and have doubts of which to take, the candidatas are the DurKopp Adler 269-373 and the Adler 269-373, not his differences, understand that the DurKopp is mas new, and also it costs the double of money to me, I want to sew purses, belts, saddles bicycles, etc., which they advise me, you forgive for my Englishman, a greeting.

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Without seeing any pictures, I'm guessing the two machines are nearly identical (except color perhaps and which country they were made in). Durkopp and Adler became one company ("Durkopp Adler") in the 1987. Machines built around that time may have only had a change in name and perhaps paint color. Later, some production was moved to the Czech Republic and later yet, to China for certain models. The Adler 269-373 is a fine machine if it is in good condition. All other things being equal, there's really no reason to pay twice as much for a machine just because it was built after the two companies merged. Older may be better, actually. If the Adler 269-373 says "Made in Germany" it is more desirable than a newer DURKOPP ADLER made in the Czech Republic ("Made in Czech Republic") or China (no "Made in . . ." statement at all on the machine), not only because build quality MAY be better but because resale value WILL be better.


Sin ver ninguna imagen , supongo las dos máquinas son casi idénticos (excepto el color tal vez y en qué país se hicieron in). Durkopp y Adler se convirtió en una empresa ( " Durkopp Adler " ) a finales de 1987 . Máquinas construidas alrededor de ese tiempo pueden sólo han tenido un cambio de nombre y tal vez la pintura de color. Más tarde, parte de la producción se trasladó a la República Checa y, más tarde , sin embargo, a China para ciertos modelos. El Adler 269 a 373 es una máquina bien si está en buenas condiciones . Todas las demás cosas son iguales , no hay realmente ninguna razón para pagar el doble por una máquina sólo porque fue construido después de las dos empresas se fusionaron . Mayor puede ser mejor , en realidad. Si el Adler 269-373 dice " Hecho en Alemania " es más deseable que una DURKOPP ADLER más reciente realizada en la República Checa ( "Hecho en República Checa " ) o China (sin "Hecho en . . . " La declaración en absoluto en la máquina ) , no sólo por la calidad de construcción puede ser mejor , sino porque el valor de reventa será mejor.

Edited by Uwe

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Hello, thank you for his response, I put a few photographies of the machines, the Durkopp are mas square, technically not if they are better, the Adler is a German manufacture, which looks like to them a better choice, the Adler 269-373 has worse aspect, it was in a workshop of purses, he would be grateful for all the opinions, regards.




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That last pic is a 69-373 not a 269-373.

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All three machines you are looking are good designs, but not identical. If they work well and you can afford it you can't really make a wrong decision with any of these.

The two 269 machines have a very different cylinder arm design from the 69.

The 69 has a horizontal hook, smaller bobbin, small arm (good for getting into tight corners inside a bag), feed dog goes back and forth but not up and down, and it can be set up for special synchronized binding operations.

The 269 has a vertical hook, larger bobbin, descending feed dog for full compound feed, but the arm diameter is considerably larger and it is not as versatile for binding operations.

Which design is better suited to your needs depends on which features are important to you.

I have a Durkopp Adler 69-373 and it is a very nice machine for my needs, but I like the 269 design as well. I made a flatbed table attachment for my DA 69 to sew flat pieces.

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