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Thin Inlays .. What Is Your Proccess For Installing

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So am I the only one doing it this way and if so am I nuts. I am always worried about good adhesion so I make a mask that is slightly smaller than the overlay piece with frisket this way I have a nice clean surface to mount my inlay material. I still give it a little scuff with sand paper but I have seen people dye the whole piece then come in and scuff up where they have dyed. I just think this gives me a better surface ... but it is an extra step and kind of a pain. I just worry about delaminating.How do you do yours?



Here is one I did similarly many years ago. I still like it but man when you look at your old work you can see how much you have improved! But ... it illustrates the idea. I masked this one off first too.


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Below are links to two of my holsters iv done. i do both an overlay & inlay. the inlay you will see i will scuff up the smooth side then glue & after all is in place i still sew around the outside.

on overlay i will scuff the smooth side & i will also skive the under side so that the top lays flat on the edges & i still sew the outside

Deer Head

Louisiana holster

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