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Dan Miller

Hello From The Thousand Islands

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Hello All,

I am a budding leatherworking, living in upstate New York, among the Thousand Islands that straddle the border between the United States and Canada.

I got interested in leatherworking when I made a pair of Roorkhee campaign chairs (photo of chairs, wood unfinished, is attached). Not only are these about the most comfortable camp chairs I have ever sat in, but I found I really enjoy leatherworking. Not surprising, since my great- and great-great-grandfathers were harness makers in Westport, New York. I remember as a very small child being in the shop, which was still intact back then (very early 1970s). Unfortunately, the shop was dispersed, but I am fortunate to have inherited their harness horse (see thread in antique tools section).

I am also a long-time woodworker, wooden boatbuilder using traditional techniques, have built several timber framed buildings, am an avid birdwatcher and enjoy canoeing and photography.

I am looking forward to participating in these forums, and am hoping to develop my leatherworking skills, particular in making outdoor-oriented goods.



Edited by Dan Miller

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Thank you for the introduction, and welcome to the best site on the internet!

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Nice work on the chairs, they're very nice. Nice to see I'm not the only one with too many hobbies.


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