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Mohawk Dave

What Is The "use" Difference Between Arch Punch And Belt Punch?

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I know the design and shape are different obviously.

But when/where/why do you use one vs the other? ...Maybe my Google-Fu was weak with this one?

(Over the years I have made almost complete sets of both with mostly CS Osborne, and some Kraeuter and Elizabeth mixed in.)



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I have found that I collect some of each, then some Weaver Master punches too. The Arch punches are what I use when I can. I keep mine sharp and they'll put a hole in hard felt, not to mention leather, also everything up to 2 1/8 or so is forged, all around pretty good punches. I use saddlers punches to do anything where the size has to be small to get into somewhere. The belt punches like we all have some of are cheaper made, but fit into a lot of jigs I have, or get used when clearance is really tight on small holes. Straight walls are important in some applications, and that's where the belt punches come to play.

When I bought my arch punches 30 years or so ago, they came out of the box rather dull, as in NOT sharp; that was just the way it was with tools back then. I guess they figured you weren't going to like the way they sharpened them, so why bother.

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Thanks for the reply. I've always grabbed what would be better for access as it was.

I suppose I will continue to round out the collections and use them accordingly.


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