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I was wondering if there are any rawhide braiders in Southern Oregon (or if no one in this forum, maybe you know of someone?) I'm not too good at learning from books only... I pick things up much better if I can watch things done; learn with a hands on approach. I want to learn the whole process- from taking the hide off the animal to the finished product. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful!

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What part of Southern Oregon?

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Posted (edited)

I'm in the Rogue Valley.

Edited by Amanda Powell
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I'm about an hour south of you at Montague, CA. Ralph Dillon is also here & teaches classes. Steve Harris is up in the Roseburg area. Are you on Facebook?

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There are some good FB groups. Try Rawhide & Rawhide Workers groups. Lots of good braiders, advice & guidance.

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Jack Armstrong has some classes coming up in March I believe. He's on FB, always putting little button videos up to help us that lack necessary skills.

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Cool. I'll have to start scouring Facebook!

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Good suggestion Brad, I knew Jack had some classes coming up & spaced on it. Amanda, Jack is over at Lakeview.

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You guys have been so helpful! Thanks!


Amanda, you might also check out the Rocky Mountain Leather show in May in Sheridan, WY. Buck might be there and I believe Ralph makes it there also. There are braiding classes offered there.

If you do the Facebook thing, send me a friend request. I don't post a lot of things but have a great bunch of rawhide friends and can pass those along. I do teach but I am in Montana.

Keep us informed how it is going.

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I wish I could make it out of Oregon! At the moment, travel is pretty restricted due to my work schedule. :(

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Check out Jack's classes. They are usually 2-3 days. It would be well worth the trip over to Lakeview if you can work it out. Check out the FB pages I mentioned, lots of good info there & on this site. Send me a friend request on FB if you want & if you have a chance to get down this way I'll help out where I can. Also, like Joe said, the Rocky Mt. Leather show is great, lots of classes & a good opportunity to interact with braiders. Buck

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