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Thread Picture Request

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Hello Folks, I am very interested in comparing side by side visually 69, 92,138, 207, 277 and 346 thread, with the most interest in 92 138 and 207.

I can't find a picture on the internet. If one of you who has these thread sizes wouldn't mind posting a picture with some snips of these threads next to a penny or something I sure would be grateful. I don't have any stores close where I can go look at them.



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I received a thread sample kit from Tippman It comes in a plastic envelope with the different threads available. Give then a call and see if they still have it. It is pretty handy until you get used to the different threads. I also use it when doing repairs to match up the thread thickness..

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I did the same when i bought my 5100. I asked for and they sent me an assortment that represented all the colours and all the sizes 207 and above. Not sure where it is, but for me the color was as important as the size so web pictures were out.

I understand maine thread does thread sample cards.

A thread sample card should be a standard orderable item from the thread sellers. Charge a token 3-5 bux for the card , include a coupon for 3-5 bux off the next thread purchase over 30 bux or something.

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Thanks, I will see if I can purchase a sample card.


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