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I'm wondering if anyone has a good solution to the problem of how to buckle saddle pockets that will have angora wool sewn to the flaps. If that's not complicated enough, I also want to put a large concho centered on the flap. (See pic below)

Now, my first implulse is to use normal buckle system under the angora which would hang down and cover the strap and buckle. Then, I found a set of pockets that had a simple closure consisting of a strap sewn to the flap that is inserted through a loop on the inside piece and protruding through a hole in the flap. That would work except for the concho idea.

The pictured pockets close with a purse snap of some sort under the concho it appears. I'd like to have a more secure arrangement if possible or practical.




I don't have any hot ideas, but that's a beautiful set of bags!

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I can't quite tell from the pic, but it looks like the angora is not lined. Is that correct? When I have made angora pockets I have stitched the angora to a 6-7oz piece of strap leather for the flap. Then I attached a buckle on a strap from the back side of the bag. I attached a billet to the backside of the flap and the buckle came under the bag to fasten. On the bags you have shown maybe you could attach a strap to the back of the bag under that concho, then do the same thing bringing a buckle billet from the back. Those bags look really sharp, I've never made them with such long flaps but they look good. I just got an order for another set and I had some black angora to try for a change. Chris

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Thanks for the ideas. So, Muley, you're saying to buckle the flap under the angora, right? That seems the best way to do it, if not a bit inconvenient to use that way. I kinda like the idea of two straps on the front of the flap, either side of the concho that drop down through a loop coming through the flap from the inside front piece of the bag. It's essentially the same attachment used on the old Cavalry bags.

By the way, just so there's no misunderstanding, I didn't make the bags in the pic.

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Tex, You might be doing what I do some times and over thinking this thing.

I wind up wanting to build something to last and to hold up to the unexpected, but 9 times out of 10 that is never going to happen so my plan winds up bing overkill.

So, I have to talk myself through the actual use and need of the item I am making and if it needs overkill or if I can get by with less and still do the job without making it cheep.

In this case,what situation do you expect these bags to get into that will need two straps? The flap is already longer wider and heavier than a plain flap so that will help keep it down. Next, they are fancy, showy type of bags, are they really going to be used in an extreme situation that would warent two straps?

I agree with Mule, that you can attach the billit to the concho and run it to about the bottom of the flap, then run the buckle strap from the back of the bag long enough to go up the billit to close when the bag is full.

When you think about it you are still building a set of bags like any other, but adding the angora after the billit is attached. Don't get stuck thinking you have to make them like the Cavs bags, you don't have to use slots, you can stitch or rivit.

Here's a couple pix of ideas to work with, with out the angora so you can get an idea

Hope this helps. GH









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