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Jon P

Choice Of Awl...

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I've recently have wanted to start sewing thicker leather in my projects. Up til now, my prong chisels have been able to go all the way through. Now, I'm wanting to thicker leathers in the welts on holsters and sheaths. Not wanting to go the drill press way, I started looking at awls. I'm over whelmed by the amount of choices. Can someone help me choose the awl haft and blade I need to do these projects. I've looked at CS Osborne but am lost on what I'm looking for??

Thanks in advance!


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This message is older, but I didn't see any replies. In case you're still searching, you would be safe getting the Osborne 144-43, which is just a regular awl handle with the awl already inserted. That size awl is good for up to, say, 6 cord linen thickness.

If you want a removable awl there are lots of them, even by Osborne. I'm partial to the ones with brass on the end with crossed slits that unscrew without needing a key. I don't know the number. For awl size, look at something roughly 2-3 times as wide as the thread you use. I use the smallest Osborne awl, one size up, and two sizes up for everything I do.


I'll add that you can still use stitching chisels, just do a couple layers at a time max, then line up the holes using needles or straightened paper clip wire.

Edited by johnv474

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