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Case Making Advice Please

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My most recent project involves a case made in two parts an inside and an outer cover. Both parts are ready to be attached together my problem is I cut the first cover with the case open and when I closed the case the outer was too short. so I have made another outer cover.

My question is if I glue and sew the inner piece what happens to the extra material when the case is opened I hope this makes sense



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I would avoid gluing the middle section where it bends. When you made the inside section, it should have been about 1/2" shorter then the outer piece to allow it to bend closed, same principle as a wallet.

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Thanks for the prompt response. I realised my mistake when the cover did not fit the closed case so I made the spine piece overlap as you can see in the picture.

Your reply was very helpful

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I thought you might like to see how the case turned out I just need to finish the edges.



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looks good. I really like the color combination and with a little modification you could use it for a bible case or artists case.

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