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How To Make Work Boots?

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So I am contemplating trying my hand at making some work boots. I have absolutely no idea how to do this, where to begin, etc. The style I am after is in the attached picture.

Does anyone know any sites/books/articles that give a step by step guide on how to accomplish something like this? Yes I know this is a difficult feat (pun intended), however if anyone has resources that would be awesome. Thanks!


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To start with let me say it is a huge learning curve. My suggestion is to take a class at Bonnie and Wills down in Ashland. They are one of the only shoe schools in the nation that teaches real shoes. Classes are $1900 If I remember correctly. Also in a few months there is going to be a shoe symposium in Ashland. You would not learn enough to make shoes there but you would be exposed to some of the top shoe makers in the world.

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There are a number of western boot schools as well, while you specify work boots, the western packer boot was actually a redesigned work boot used by loggers, often referred to by name like WESCOs, White's, ect.... White has bought out WESCO, and produces several other brands of work boot. These are not the crepe sold stuff sold at walmart and other cheap junk store's, these are the pinnical of bootmaking tech, that loggers, firefighters, cowboys and ranchers will spend hundreds of dollars to purchase. So heres a few schools that can be found on the web.



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