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Fortuna 121 Band Knife Splitting Machine Manual And Part List.

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I just bought an Fortuna 121 band knife splitting machine and I'm searching for manual/part list for it. I also have a couple of questions regarding the machine. I wonder how you determine when to change the band knife on it. This is an USM rebuilt machine. However, it's seen some use after that. Blue color with USM badge, new knife and drive belt followed the machine. Current knife is about 2 to 3 mm. narrower than the new one following with the machine. Part from that, the knife looks good. Haven't inspected every inch of it yet. Grind stones look square and blade felts/guides look like they have been replaced, looks fairly new. Haven't opened them up for cleaning yet. I would like to read true a manual before doing more that belt change and cleaning. I would not want to mess up any important settings. So if anybody would like to share some knowledge about this machine or band knife splitters in general, they would be more that welcome to do so. In advance thank you!


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Got them!

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Hi Trox,

I only have a comoga and an old albeko so maybe not much help. I like my albeko as the waste comes out the front and therefore makes it easier to dispose of. I tried finding on line some info on the Fortuna 121 and came up dry. Would you post a pic or 2 of it sometime? I have done many modifications to mine over time and would be happy to swap notes anytime.


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Thank you Brian, I already received several manuals from Captain Itch. Some are from Campbell Randall and some from Fortuna. I'm good now thank you.

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