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"Same factory as leading luxury brands"

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Does anyone know how to find the info behind this when companies say something like this? Take company Linjer for example, how can I actually find out where and what these factories are? 

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Meaningless marketing I strongly suspect. The real luxury brands are very unlikely to be sharing factories or using third party factories at all I'd say

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Could be almost impossible, larger brands often utilities a combination of own manufacturing (that can be both domestic and foreign) and third party manufacturing (that can also be domestic or foreign). When there is a brand that only designs and sell to low cost, it's very likely that it's manufactured in a country with low labour costs. In the case of your example, It's very likely they have their products made in Turkey as they get their leather from there and it would probably be too expensive for them to have it manufactured from the outside of EU unless they do large quantities - I doubt they do. But then again, sometimes smaller brands can be transparent if you just ask them. Smaller brands are often proud about where they produce their goods, take the whole national trend going - like made in the USA or made in UK. But for larger brands this is almost impossible. Take Apple for example. An 'American' icon brand, yet most of their products are assembled in China or Taiwan, with some components that comes from South Korea, and back to the USA again. However, I am happy using Apple products and I'm not from the USA. While I try to support local businesses (UK) out of solidarity, I personally have no problem to buy and use something that has produced in whatever country. If I like something, and think it's worth spending my money on, I'll go for it. What the made in label says, means less to me than the workmanship behind the product.

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